My Fascination For Nail Art!

4/28/2013 10:20:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

I love nail art. As much as possible, I'll have them changed every 2 weeks. The pictures above shows my first two nail arts. They were done way back May of 2012. The left one is my favorite creation so far. Why? Because not only it is my first nail art ever, it has a lot of small details. During that time, I have not came across a nail art brush yet. Yes, they were made using the normal nail polish brush and what most resourceful people I know use, the toothpick! :D I am satisfied of the outcome and made me feel a sense of accomplishment. 

I am looking forward to share more of my works here. Recently, I landed a job and I no longer have time to do my own nails. :)